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  • January 28, 2016

    Top Coffee Myths Busted

    For years now, coffee has been one of the top most popular beverages in the world. While this is true, coffee consumers have heard conflicting facts about their favorite drink—it does wonders for your health, but does so at a poor cost. With all the studies and research happening in the coffee industry, it gets difficult and confusing to separate the fact from fiction. Since we are on a mission to help you understand and appreciate all aspects of coffee, we thought this would be a good time to bust some of the most common myths surrounding coffee.
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  • January 21, 2016

    Cup of Joe and Other Coffee Names

    Coffee is not just coffee. Well, you may have heard it referred to by several different names—cup of joe, java, wake up juice, cuppa—just to name a few. Have you ever wondered where these names come from? They must have started somewhere?! We’re here to give you a little bit of background and fun tidbits about some of these popular phrases. There have been some theories, but here is how they really came to be.
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  • January 19, 2016

    Tea Tuesday: Relax With Herbal Teas

    With the weather getting more than a little chilly, there’s no better time to warm up with a soothing cup of herbal tea. Making it is almost a peaceful process in and of itself—filling up a tea kettle, boiling the water, watching the tea as it steeps, and then finally, pouring it into your favorite cup. Not only has herbal tea been loved for centuries, but it has also shown to have many health benefits. You may find some herbal teas in your local grocery store, but at a hefty price tag that isn’t actually a true reflection of its quality.
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  • January 14, 2016

    Perfectly Pairing Coffee With Dessert

    Have you ever wondered why certain foods and drinks naturally go together so perfectly, for example, coffee and chocolate? Foodies and scientists alike have even conducted research and testing in the science of food pairing for answers. Why does this matter? It’s key to helping us understand how humans perceive flavor. It’s no secret that coffee has a distinct character of its own, but did you know that you can actually enhance that flavor and quality of your coffee by pairing it with the appropriate desserts? Whether you are choosing coffees to serve at your dinner party, or just coming up with a menu, this pairing could make all the difference in your culinary experience.
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  • January 12, 2016

    From Decanters to Carafes: Coffee Gadget Questions Answered

    When it comes to making a quality cup of coffee, you need to use the right tools. You have probably heard a lot of fancy terms being used in references to coffee gadgets and gizmos that have left you scratching your head in puzzlement. Never fear! We would like to help you make sense of these terms, so you can sound just like a seasoned coffee professional yourself. Not only that, but you will also be able to make more educated purchase decisions, so you can choose the most appropriate coffee making products and tools.
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  • January 7, 2016

    Spotlight on India

    We’re picking up our globetrotting adventure to some of the most notable coffee-growing locales. We have explored their origins, growing methods, flavor profiles, and more. Hopefully, you have developed a new-found appreciation for these different cultures, and of course, their remarkable coffee.
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  • January 5, 2016 Colleen Callahan

    How to Celebrate National Hot Tea Month

    Tea has been a treasured beverage for centuries, loved by millions across the world. With tea’s refreshing flavors and incredible health benefits, this is no surprise. While we don’t need an official reason to warm up the kettle and pour a cup of tea, in the United States and Canada, January is National Hot Tea Month—the perfect time to broaden your tea tastes, and maybe even learn something about your favorite drink. Would you like to celebrate too? We’re here to give you some inspiration!
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  • December 30, 2015

    Stock Up for the New Year: Gourmet Coffee Club

    Can you believe it? The start of the new year is only two days away! How are you getting ready? You’ve probably made your resolutions to get yourself to the gym more, and follow a strict diet. But, what’s that magical drink that gets you through every day of the year? A freshly brewed cup of coffee! Constantly having to go to the grocery store to restock you kitchen pantry with a fresh supply of coffee can get annoying and tiresome. Imagine never having to think about this ever again, and simply wake up every morning with a freshly brewed pot of gourmet coffee!
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  • December 29, 2015

    How to Avoid Bitter Coffee

    We could imagine nothing worse than a poorly prepared cup of coffee. Only when you practice the proper brewing techniques, can you fully appreciate and understand different flavor profiles. Many coffee consumers are frequently under the misconception that all coffee is bitter. With more than a few years of experience in the coffee business, we can confidently tell you that this is not necessarily true. When coffee is brewed correctly, you shouldn’t experience an unpleasant bitterness.
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