Tea Tuesday: Wholesale Tea to Grow Your Business
Are you trying to grow and expand the offerings at your own café or coffee shop? Finding new ways to do this can be tedious, and at times, overwhelming. You may want to consider adding a selection of unique teas to your menu, and thanks to CoffeeAM, it’s so much easier. We would love to ease your stress by providing your business with a variety of exceptional wholesale, loose-leaf gourmet teas, herbal teas, and tisanes to help you offer customers the best quality possible.
Whether you have a customer with a highly refined palate wanting a cup of Japanese Sencha green tea, or someone hoping for a plain cup of Tazo tea, we can meet and even exceed their expectations. At CoffeeAM, we have some main categories of teas to soothe the senses of each and every one of your customers.
Flavored Tea
Flavored teas have steadily risen in popularity over the years, particularly in recent times. With everything from a delicious, aromatic, and low-calorie Kiwi-Strawberry tea to a classic cup of rejuvenating hot or iced Peppermint tea, our wide array of fragrant, flavored loose-leaf, Chinese black teas with natural essences will continually entice and invite customers all year long. Looking for a new special for your menu to pique interest, and maybe even create some buzz? These flavored teas will be the perfect solution!
Premium Black, Green, & White Teas
If you want to give your café customers a taste of the world, you may want to explore our premium teas. Not only will your customers be exposed to global flavors, but CoffeeAM will also provide you with accurate and extensive information about each type of tea, which you can share with customers. This includes everything from origins, history, grade, health benefits, and more. Travel to England for a rich, silky cup of the ever-popular English Breakfast Tea, then, head to India for a full-bodied, lightly spiced Masala Chai Tea. With the world at your fingertips, there is no reason to miss out on this opportunity to add some surprise to your daily menu.
Wholesale Herbal Teas
With consumers becoming more health-conscious, and following all-natural diets, you will see the potential that our wholesale herbal teas have for your business. Our range of herbal teas are made from the earth’s flowers, nuts, roots, berries, seeds, bark, and leaves, all of which contain natural and vital vitamins. Along with an unexpectedly pleasant set of natural flavors, you will also learn valuable information regarding the product, such as the tea’s origins, history, geography, and medicinal benefits. Customers can relax with authentic and stress-reducing Chamomile Tea, or maybe with a smooth Rooibos African Red Bush Tea that’s rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants. You should certainly feel refreshed getting a taste of nature at its best.
Here, we have only scratched the surface of the heavenly, wholesale teas and tisanes available to you. Visit CoffeeAM today, and in no time, you’ll have everything that you need to jumpstart your business. When you’re running a café or coffee shop, keeping your brews continually fresh and innovative can be pretty time intensive itself. For this reason, our in-house baristas will keep you updated via email with signature recipes using gourmet teas, thereby bringing customers back time and again. We will even let you know of any new medical research and findings regarding these teas.
You’ll know everything there is to know about all these wholesale teas, and you will have the pleasure of passing that knowledge on to your customers. You won’t just be serving ordinary tea, you’ll be serving an experience to an even broader audience.