Single serve coffee machines have been all the rage for a few years now with Keurig, Tassimo, and now Nespresso all developing their own line of coffeemakers. There are single serve machines at all price points and with varying capabilities. And each of these brands has its own coffee pod that fits the machine along with a wide selection of coffee pods you can purchase. If you can’t find a coffee you like or your favorite coffee is not sold in a pod, you either have to fill your own reusable pods or you don’t get to have that particular coffee.
Introducing the new CoffeeAM single-serve coffee pods. Our single serve pods are compatible with most Keurig machines, both 1.0 and 2.0. We currently offer eleven of our best-selling coffees in our single-serve pods. Packed twelve to a box, you get a dozen ready-to-use coffee pods filled with some of our best coffees.
Let’s learn a little more about the new CoffeeAM single-serve coffee pods.
Are CoffeeAM Single Serve Coffees Fresh?
Absolutely! You know the coffees from CoffeeAM are the freshest, roasted to order and shipped the same day. We treat our single-serve pods the same way, roasting, grinding, and filling the same day we ship them to you. You still receive the freshest coffee possible.
What Single Serve Machines Do Your Pods Fit?
Our single serve coffee pods K-cup style and are designed to fit most Keurig and Keurig compatible machines including the 1.0 and the 2.0.
Are Your Single Serve Coffee Pods Recyclable?
Yes, all parts of our single-serve coffee pods are recyclable. We carry the first 100% recyclable single serve K-cup style pods. The lid, filter, and cup are all recyclable as is the coffee (of course!) so just throw your used single-serve pod right in the recycling bin.
What Coffees Do You Offer In Your Single Serve Pods?
At this time, CoffeeAM is offering eleven (11) of our best-selling and popular coffees in single-serve pods. These coffees include:
As new coffees are released in our single-serve pods we will announce them.
How Do Your Single Serve Pod Coffees Taste?
The single-serve pods we use are a unique design allowing them to hold more coffee than other single-serve pods. This means you get richer and better flavors.
How Do I Get CoffeeAM Single Serve Pods?
To place an order for our CoffeeAM single-serve pods, simply visit our Single Serve Coffees page
here and choose your favorites!
Now you can enjoy CoffeeAM coffees with your K-cup compatible machines.